
Is THAT her???

Things not to say to/around our Little Lady:
- "Woah. Is that her???"
- "She's so cute. Look at those freckles. She doesn't even look like a foster kid."
- .....staring.....
- "Wow, she's actually smart."

Now that that's out of the way...


"Is she skinny?" 

This was the first question she asked when I said that she'd meet her new case worker this week. 

"Do they have a big house?"

This was her first question after I said she'd be going to a birthday party today. 

We've been talking a lot about how we get our worth and our value, and so far, most of it hasn't stuck, but I hope it will eventually. 

Our LL has a long road ahead of her, but I know we're on the right track. The first night she was with us, she was begging me to buy mini skirts and halter tops and she came to us with make-up on because "the cops were coming and she wanted to look pretty."

She now understands that 7-year-old girls wear chapstick or clear lip gloss and cutoffs and spaghetti-strap shirts are under clothes, not the main ensemble. 

We've also added the word "modest" to her daily vocab bank. I'm not sure if she completely understands why we are modest, but she at least knows that wearing a bikini to school isn't up for discussion anymore. 

To our precious Little Lady...

You are unique, and special, and loved. You aren't perfect, but the Lord covers you in His perfect, unfailing love. He made you to be you, and no one else. You don't need makeup, strapless dresses, or long hair to make Him notice you. He sees you in your darkest hour - with your messy hair, drool on the side of your face, calming down from a meltdown, with sorrow and loneliness in your heart, longing for your mom and dad to come back to you. He sees you, He hears you, and He loves you. More than you'll ever know. 

I hope you understand someday just how amazing this love is. And how incredible you are. 

There isn't anyone else like you in the whole world. You are you. And we love you. I hope someday you will love you, too. 


LL's quotes:
- "That party last night was sick."
- "I'm sweating like a pup."
- "I know you're crying on the inside."
- "Awww, do I have to play by the rules now?" (After cheating about 20x while playing Uno.)
- "I don't know how to, YET!" This is huge - we've talked to LL a lot about how we don't say we "can't" do something; we just say that haven't been able to do it yet. She finally said this on her own for the first time today and it was like music to my ears! 
- "B - show your sister an example. You're three years old!"
- "Dear God, Please explain to the Tooth Fairy about what happened to my tooth and show her where it is. And if it's in the washing machine, please make it stop 2 hours early. And pray that my grandma lives as long as she can. And pray for my parents that I see them Monday through Friday cause I didn't see them this week. Amen."

LL and Bry went to a coworker's daughter's birthday party this afternoon while I was doing a photoshoot. 

They let her take home flowers and a balloon! 

Even in heels. 

"Helping" Mr. Brian fix his bike. :) 

Mother's Day card for her mom. 

He's the BEST.


About Us: 

We began our foster journey in mid-August 2013. We finished our classes in October, had our home study in early January, and we were licensed on February 7, 2014. After seven calls from CPS, we received our first placement, a 7-year-old girl (our Little Lady, or LL for short) on April 3, 2014. Thank you so much for taking the time to read about our journey through the craziness that is foster care. Most importantly, thanks for your prayers, love, and support. We hope to encourage fellow foster/adoptive parents as we document our ups and downs each day. 

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