
Three is better

Today was one of those days that made it really hard to imagine what our day-to-day life will be like if our Little Lady has to leave us anytime between now and her eighteenth birthday. 

During dinner, I caught myself taking our simple dinner conversation for granted and realized that just a few short weeks ago, it felt like LL was still a stranger. One who was welcome in our home, but one who still had that "stranger" vibe where you want to be overly accommodating and you can't really relax in your own home.

We're now at the stage where it feels so normal to have her with us and I'm having trouble remembering how we filled our time before April 3rd without her silly songs, her giggles, and her, "Guess WHAT?!??!?" stories. 

Basically, what I'm saying is, I'm preparing for the worst, but praying for the best. 

The "best" would be if we could have a little bit (or a lot) more time to soak up the sounds of her screaming as she runs down the stairs while she's playing with Lucy, and time to listen to her sweet prayers for our friends and family who seem to have become her friends and family. 

Here's to praying for the best...

LL's quotes:
- Me: "You're a much better artist than I was when I was in first grade." LL: "Yup, you scribbled a stick dog." Me: "That's true. Everyone has something they're working on getting better at." LL: "Yeah, like you, with drawing." 
- "This is my soccer dress, and NO, it's not on backwards."
- Me: "I have to lie down for a minute. I'm so tired!" LL: "Sure, make yourself at home."

I was able to join our Little Lady at her field trip for a few hours this morning at the Dallas World Aquarium. It was so fun! 

LL feeding the birds. 

It wasn't hard to find her...she was the only one wearing cowgirl boots. In JUNE. 

She loved the manatee. She kept saying, "My manatee," because we taught her the "my cows" game. 

"It's pooping!"

"Take a picture of me with Dori!"

LL and the penguins. 

After summer camp we went to the park to play La Crosse and soccer for a little while. 

I love how there's three of everything in our lives now. Two was good, but three is better. 

On the swings. 

Paige met us at the park during her run. It was great to see her and Maggie! 

"I'm pushing my soccer ball baby. I'm in public and this is againt the law!"

LL wanted to take pictures of Bry making smoothies. She said she likes taking pics and she wants to be a photographer. (Yeah!!!!!)

Another one of her pics. 


It's funny to see how 7-year-olds take a panoramic picture.

A pic she edited and texted to her friend.


About Us: 

We began our foster journey in mid-August 2013. We finished our classes in October, had our home study in early January, and we were licensed on February 7, 2014. After seven calls from CPS, we received our first placement, a 7-year-old girl (our Little Lady, or LL for short) on April 3, 2014. Thank you so much for taking the time to read about our journey through the craziness that is foster care. Most importantly, thanks for your prayers, love, and support. We hope to encourage fellow foster/adoptive parents as we document our ups and downs each day. 

Key Posts:


  1. Love the edited picture! Needs to go on the wall! :) OH and just a little FYI, Cowgirl boots are perfectly fine in ANY month, any outfit, including shorts at the beach! :) heeheehee YOU GO LLgirl! I'm so proud I have a boots buddy!!!!


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