
Tell me more

There are many sounds no parent wants to hear, and I'm sure many of you could add to the list, but here are just a couple of them...

The first would be the words, "Thanks for the knife," when you realize you gave the seven-year-old the (extremely sharp) steak knife instead of the blunt butter knife. Oops. 

The second would be when you're using the restroom and you hear the sound of power tools coming from her bedroom and you pray that it's the sound of construction workers next door and NOT the small child playing with a chainsaw. 

LL's quotes:
- "I have four last names. One of them is Hills." :)
- "My face hurts from smiling."
- LL: "I feel fat." Bry and me at the same time: "What??? Do you mean you feel full??" LL: "No. I feel fat. In my mouth. From the steak." :)
- "I'm all about new things right now."

Tell me more about TV. What's it like? Remember when it was wonderful? Ok...moving on...

He's amazing. What other dad would drop everything and play a clapping song game with her in the cheese aisle? 

"No one better eat my cherry yogurt!"

Donating some old toys and clothes. 

Just a simple night at home. I feel so blessed to do life with these two incredible people.


About Us: 

We began our foster journey in mid-August 2013. We finished our classes in October, had our home study in early January, and we were licensed on February 7, 2014. After seven calls from CPS, we received our first placement, a 7-year-old girl (our Little Lady, or LL for short) on April 3, 2014. Thank you so much for taking the time to read about our journey through the craziness that is foster care. Most importantly, thanks for your prayers, love, and support. We hope to encourage fellow foster/adoptive parents as we document our ups and downs each day. 

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