
Playing baby dolls...the GI Joe version

I remember "playing baby dolls" being much ummm....quieter...when I was little. I'm pretty sure the extent of me impersonating a baby included drinking out of a bottle, whining, and sleeping.

Let's just say that our Little Lady's version of "playing baby dolls" is much louder (and much more violent!) Fingers were bitten off, sisters were screaming, the older babies were grounded from video games, and so on. It was pretty intense!

In other news, we're getting excited about our trip. Just a warning for our daily readers...we won't be able to post for about a week because of the lack of signal. Just warning you now!

We were supposed to finish a long list of chores today, but instead, we slept in, laid around, and then even took a NAP! It was the best. The chores will have to wait.

I pack (and clean) better under pressure anyway. 

LL's quotes:
- "I already knew how to clean my room. Pretty much everything I said I couldn't do I could actually do when I first got here." 

The morning started slowly for us today, which I was perfectly fine with. We played "Head's Up" on the iPad and watched the Smurfs movie until we became hungry enough to eat our arms. I cherish the days when we can decide when to get out of bed!

View from my pillow...

After breakfast, we spent about an hour and a half cleaning LL's room. She decided to move all of her "stuffies" downstairs (i.e. the bottom bunk) so she'll have more room to sleep in her bed. She also decided that I don't need to stay in the bottom bunk for 10 minutes any longer after we say our prayers. She's growing up so fast!

This is her waiting patiently for us to get my baby dolls down from the shelf. She's been asking me if she could play with them for months!

She changed Emma into these clothes in case an Arctic cold front comes to Dallas.

She's holding her doll in her right hand. The other four are from when I was little; some of them are more than 30 years old! 

"Me and the baby are having a staring contest. She's gonna win."

These are the twins - one is hers, one is mine. We realized they must be from the same company - they look identical!

She earned money today for our Colorado trip by doing a few extra chores. Bry was helping her understand how much money she made and how much she will give during offering tomorrow at church.

Bry and LL inspecting driver's licenses.

My girls. Love them!


About Us: 

We began our foster journey in mid-August 2013. We finished our classes in October, had our home study in early January, and we were licensed on February 7, 2014. After seven calls from CPS, we received our first placement, a 7-year-old girl (our Little Lady, or LL for short) on April 3, 2014. Thank you so much for taking the time to read about our journey through the craziness that is foster care. Most importantly, thanks for your prayers, love, and support. We hope to encourage fellow foster/adoptive parents as we document our ups and downs each day. 

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