
LL's "Best of" Quotes...please VOTE!

In honor of our 60th day with our little lady, we wanted to share our favorite quotes from the last 2+ months while she's been with us.

I thought it'd be really difficult to choose just a few, but when I read back through them, I realized that most of them weren't that funny anymore (which might be how most of you feel when reading them.) But like any great story, you really just have to be there to appreciate it. Still, I'm glad we have it all recorded so we can look back and laugh at her funny stories someday. 

Some of her quotes definitely stood out to me more than others. I narrowed my list down to my top 5, but there a few more I decided to include in the honorable mention category. 

Please comment below with your favorite LL quote (by choosing one of the top 5 or including a different one that was your favorite!) I understand not everyone feels comfortable commenting, so if you'd still like to participate, feel free to answer this (anonymous) survey: https://www.surveymonkey.com/s/VV2929M

TOP 5:
  • I'm from the country. Nothing hurts.
  • You don't need any more fuel. Stop eating.
  • This is my Mexican freckle. I got it in Kindergarten when I sat next to a little girl from Mexico.
  • Dear Jesus, thank you for helping me get all that gas out.
  • I wish I could rewind my life so I could see all the things I missed when I wasn't looking.

- My feet smell ripe. 
- I got the chill bumps. 
- Something just bit me and gave me this freckle. I think it was an angel disguised as a moth.
- That's the romance table. There are candles.
- Did you tell her that I don't listen? Cause sometimes I have important things to do, so I'm not always listening.
- My nana is kinda big. She's poofy. She ate too much candy.
- My head hurts cause I'm not watching enough TV.
- My teacher keeps telling me all this stuff about math and science cause I think she wants me to be the teacher.
- My old church used to have the real cross and it smelled like dead people.
- That can't be Santa! His eyes don't even look jolly!
- I had a nightmare about my dog. She got stunned with a trampolizer gun.
- It's hard to lose a grandpa. Grandpas do all the yard work.
- I'm so patriotic. 
- We gotta get home, Mr. Brian. No pit-stoppin'!
- I wish I was born in the 70s. You should've seen my disco moves. 

Hiking in Arbor Hills with Bry while I was working late. 


About Us: 

We began our foster journey in mid-August 2013. We finished our classes in October, had our home study in early January, and we were licensed on February 7, 2014. After seven calls from CPS, we received our first placement, a 7-year-old girl (our Little Lady, or LL for short) on April 3, 2014. Thank you so much for taking the time to read about our journey through the craziness that is foster care. Most importantly, thanks for your prayers, love, and support. We hope to encourage fellow foster/adoptive parents as we document our ups and downs each day. 

Key Posts:


  1. My fav-"This is my Mexican freckle. I got it in Kindergarten when I sat next to a little girl from Mexico."

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. My fav - I wish I could rewind my life so I could see all the things I missed when I wasn't looking.

    There were sooooo many that I just loved, but this is my fav!

    1. That was my favorite as well, she is just too darn cute

  4. Does Lucy have a husband?
    Just fire her already!
    LL's whole song

  5. Did you tell her that I don't listen? Cause sometimes I have important things to do, so I'm not always listening.

    my fav!!!

  6. I almost literally fell out of my chair laughing and I still can't look at a cross without hearing her say that it smelled like dead people... its her tone of voice in how she says stuff that is so hilarious! I just could not stop laughing and Brian just turns around and says.. "ALL day long" lol That lil thang is so awesome! Love my lil shadow jumper! :)
    Oh, but I guess to vote, I'll say the Mexican freckle! lol

  7. I wish I could rewind my life... that's such a good idea :) But the Mexican freckle quote did crack me up!


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