
"After" Pics...Part II!

We're making some progress in the kids' room. And by "we," I mean mainly Bry. Let's face it - I contribute by handing him a few screws and going back and forth to the garage to find something called "needle nose pliers" or "the screw with the flat head," and other strange things he asks for. I have an incredible hubby, that's for SURE! 

Working on the room this weekend has definitely made this feel more real, scary, and exciting

Today we purchased the bed, white sheets, a comforter (which we might return - not really loving it), a lamp, Legos, and a few other items. We still have the bookshelves to put up and a few other items we'll need to make it more kid-friendly. 

Words cannot express how happy I am to see my books displayed again after 15 months being shoved onto one shelf in the office. These are all that remain of the 2,400 books (yes, you read that correctly) I had in my 2nd grade classroom. These are the books that made it into the "I absolutely can NOT part with these!!!" pile. Bry made a (silly) comment tonight when he mentioned maybe letting each child take a book with them if and when they leave our house. I tried not to laugh too loud, but I think he got the point...

We have been so blessed this month...our incentive pay from last school year was paid out this weekend - just in time to begin the remodel. God has been so good to us!!!

Here's a sneak-peak of the room so far! :)


  1. Very cute! Good job Brian!! And good job picking out the furniture--it's a very comfy looking room. I'm sure the kid(s) will love spending time in there. And wow--2400 books?!? That's amazing! I wish I had been able to read all of them--or buy all of them from you. ;)

  2. I love everything about the room! You can never go wrong with books, stuffed animals, legos, puzzles or games. Now the bedroom just needs a special someone to occupy it! So looking forward to meeting your special someone who God blesses you with! Also, looking forward to seeing how God blesses the special someone by having you two be in their life!

  3. Thanks, Natalie! Yeah, I had what you would call an obsession with children's books. :) I miss my classroom library, that's for sure!!!

    1. I miss it too! Matt would never let me keep all the great deals on books I find! Love that Bri has an entire school library - I'm in heaven! :)

  4. Jan, your comment blessed my night!!! Thank you so much for always supporting Bry and me in everything we do! We couldn't do this without you!

  5. Yay! I'm excited!! It looks awesome! -jilly


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